Biofrigas for the industry

The industry currently uses about 60% of the energy gases in Sweden. Within the industry, energy gases are used as an energy source for heat-demanding processes or as raw material to produce new materials, where different parts of methane serve as components in the production of materials such as plastics and similar. The low share of renewable biogas within the industry will come even more into focus with the implementation of CSRD reporting, where companies must account for their emissions and what measures they are taking to reduce them.

Despite only a small part of the total energy gas usage in the industry being renewable in 2022, less than 20 percent, positive changes have begun. The corresponding figure for 2020 was about 7%. Mainly, natural gas is used, where liquefied biogas appears as the perfect replacement product. Today, the industry demands large quantities of renewable gas as a replacement, but the combined capacity is insufficient. This indicates continued opportunities to expand biogas production in Sweden and internationally.

The supply of liquefied biogas to the industry can be achieved by industries making their own investments in facilities or through off-take agreements with existing biogas producers. The food industry generates large amounts of organic waste, which is an excellent raw material for biogas production.